Medicare Open Enrollment

Starting October 15 through December 7, Medicare Open Enrollment is the time of year when Medicare beneficiaries can review changes to their current coverage and switch plans for 2017. This is important because Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans can make changes yearly to their benefits, including premiums, deductibles, co-pays, maximum out of pocket and provider networks. Additionally, your needs can change as well!

When reveiwing your coverage, a few things to consider would be:
-Change in health history, including any new doctors or medications
-Plan costs
-New plans in your area

In a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, it was shown that roughly 1 in 10 Medicare Advantage enrollees switch plans during the Open Enrollment. If you, or someone you know, are interested in reviewing your plan choices for 2017, give us a call at 877-446-3676 or fill out this form to have a representative contact you.


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